As you know I am here to Guide Small Business Owners so they Thrive tremendously by tapping into their Soul Energy and BEing a true and authentic Expression of what they’ve come into this world to BE. So here ya go ….
1. Connect in with your Soul Energy, Inner Wisdom to Guide You first thing each day. It’s all about taking the time to check in and ask some questions of yourself ~ What shall I do today that supports and serves me and my business in the highest way? Who shall I connect with first to meet or exceed my current goals so that my bank ?
2. Clear, Confident Viewpoints : I remember Oprah’s prayer saying “God, use me. Send me where you need me.” Have you’ve done work with me to narrow down your niche or create your signature programs? Then you know we dug deeply into that part of you that can’t wait to get up every day. That BEingness that you know as your Calling vs your career. When your Business is an extension of your Soul Energy, your work is an extension of the Divine. As a result the Divine is embracing it’s own expansion thru you. Can an Infinite BEing fail? Of course not. So your success is inevitable. If you’d like some guidance to clarify your niche or to pull together the work you’ve been doing into a Signature program click here for a complimentary Prosperity Acceleration Session so that we can figure out the best fit for you. Lets Talk.
3. As another aspect of #2 it’s important to remember that there are many wounds we endured, and grew because of, when we were very young. However, our tools were so limited at that time that we created coping tools that need re-patterning from our grown up selves now. So, take time to cut yourself some slack. Your inner child appreciates reminding that she or he is beautiful and perfect just the way they are. She always has been a Divine Child of the Light. No situation or opinion of others will ever change that. You are complete, perfect and whole.
4. When you feel really plugged in about something … really angry, upset, afraid … that voice screaming “Somebody’s Got to Do Something About This NOW!!!” Just remember that you ARE THE ONE being called on the BE the Someone.
Especially now. We are here to actively serve positive change in our communities, not just point at the mistakes we see our government making. (or about to make) Remember, real change will come from the people in the streets. Why? Because these are the people of vision and heart like us. 🙂
Again, tap into Soul Energy.
Now … what myth are you here to bust? What injustice or wrong doing are you here to assist? Express this in your marketing. Talk about it to your people.Speak to your mailman and to the world so you can put and end to your hiding. It’s time to Thrive and serve.
5. Know that the Universe, Spirit, God is always on your side and ready to align with your requests. Asking powerful questions is key.
‘WHAT WOULD IT TAKE?’ is an energy statement that sends energy to the Universe asking for any possibility to exist to show up in your life. You are saying…”What energy can be created to manifest what I want right now?” “Universe, what would it take for me to generate amazing revenue?”
Then let the Universe do its magic and work it out for you and bring it to you. Your job is to send the energy out and release it and accept the good things that come back to you. Viola!!!