Happy Tuesday to you! I hope your weekend was even better than you thought it was going to be.
I’ve realized so many of us have conditioned ourselves to only expect just so much in our lives
Or we might cause disappointment. What if we seem greedy? Maybe we’re taking someone else’s share. Or __________. (Leave a comment and fill in the blank about what esle might happen if you expect more in your life 🙂 )
Even Law of Attraction Practioners like us think we’re really stretching sometimes to bring more FUN, JOY, 💕 LOVE, MONEY ~ our personal ideas of abundance ~ into our world.
And then one day BAM! Spirit delivers something twice as big and exciting. You realize you’ve been playing small and you just didn’t know it.

So my coaches request for you is this… as a means of Conscience Creation in your life simply Slow down and Remember to
Increase your desires for the week by at least 25%. ( Leave a comment and let me know what you desire.
Speaking it to someone increases its POWER OF PRODUCTION into form you know.
Random Page from “Manifest your Desires” by Ester and Jerry Hicks
Before you can effectively benefit from paying attention to your emotions, you must first accept that Well-Being is the only Stream that flows. You can allow or disallow this Stream, but when you allow it, you feel well; and when you disallow it, you feel sick. In other words, there is only a Stream of wellness, which you are allowing or resisting, and you can tell by the way you feel which you are doing.
Soooo, Any thoughts?