We’re called Soul Energy Expression to hold the space for all of us to BE our truest selves on a Soul level.
I recently spoke with a client who was pissed off because people didn’t accept her for who she was. And I realized she spent a lot of time judging everyone and angry about anything she could find going on.
“Well, that’s just how I am.” she said.
Hmmm. Aren’t our true Souls filled with Peace? Coming from Love?
I wondered if, believing that there truly are no accidents, she’s crossed my path that day, with a claim I absolutely know is not true because my guidance is exactly what Spirit brought her here for?
So, tell me ……. Shall we heal her way back to Peace? Back to Love?
You know it’s not my way to say, “wow, sucks being you!” and just walk away. I imagine pain and damage causes judgement and anger … Yes?