Divine Mind. It’s that Impersonal Intelligence that speaks to us all.
There’s a divine intelligence going on behind the scenes and it’s within all of us.
I’ve tried to steer clear of political chaos for most of my life because I always felt like there was nothing I could do to improve things. So I focused my time, energy and attention on things I could heal and things that I felt I could do something about. But the political chaos is worse than I could have ever imagined. These are the people we have to trust to fix things? Oh crap! OK. Let’s not leave it all up to politicians.
You see-whenever the thought comes to you “why doesn’t somebody do something about that?” It’s a clue that you are that somebody. You’ve just been infused with divine inspiration. That’s how it works. I know you wish and hope that the message was meant for someone else or that spirit, God, the universe just brought it to your attention to give you that cool bit of endorphin rush you get when you complain about it with your friends. But – no –
“Why doesn’t somebody do something about that?” Is one of the most common questions we ask ourselves when spirit is trying to inspire us into action.
We made the decision to pay taxes and provide for the common good out of a tax account when we had a very small amount of causes and people to serve. A small amount of opinions about which causes are most important and now our United States is too big to operate on the same structure it did back then.
Now, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that we should stop collecting taxes or no longer have federal or state assisted programs. I’m saying we get to empower ourselves and our communities to find the solutions that matter to us personally.
My Mission is to make a Significant Difference in the world by helping to shift the Balance of Financial Power into the hands of Socially Conscious Entrepreneurs who are Naturally Coded to make their living in a Heart Based Business and use their Wealth Philanthropically, making their difference in the world in a way that only they can.
So when you notice the insanity going on in the world around you and you hear yourself saying “somebody’s got it do something about that” unfortunately, it no longer has anything to do with electing the right candidate.
Our solutions are about solving our community problems – – each problem is solved on the small-scale. As you notice something that you feel passionate about in your community, that passion is an indicator that you’ve come upon something that really means something to you, so don’t stop there. Get curious within yourself about what you can do to make the situation better. Who can you talk to? How can you learn more about the specifics? How much funding is already available? Are there any grants that you might be eligible for? Maybe your next-door neighbor knows how to apply for grants? There’s tons of grant money waiting to be claimed by people who don’t even realize that they are eligible.
Start thinking outside the box. Find out who wants to help you with solutions because I promise you the solutions are there. The divine inspiration doesn’t come your way for things that don’t already have a solution. It’s all about you learning how to uncover those solutions. Just ask “How Can I?” – watch for clues from the universe and follow them.
Love and Blessings,